Contribute and Become a Member

1898 Metropolitan Steamer
The “Friends of the Lester L. Williams Fire Museum”, in cooperation with the Pioneers Museum and Old Colorado City Historical Society, invite you to join our Fire History Museum which includes the significant collections of Dr. Lester Williams and the CSFD.
These groups work to preserve, document and display these items in a effort to maintain them for future generations as well as to share them with the citizens of Colorado Springs.
The collection consists of fire apparatus, pictures, books and fire fighting equipment including many one-of-a-kind items and numerous items that are priceless in the history of the Colorado Springs community.
If you would like to contribute to the Lester L. Williams Fire Museum and become a member, download and complete the Membership Form.
Mail the completed form along with your check to:
Friends of Dr. Lester L. Williams Fire Museum
P.O. Box 118
Colorado Springs CO 80901
Volunteer or Donate
If you are interested in local history, fire fighting history and would like to volunteer at the museum -or- you have fire fighting items you would like to donate, please contact:
Julie Lilly, Office of the Fire Chief, Colorado springs
Phone: 719-385-7202